Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Walk the Line

My mom drove us to dinner one night, and she parked diagonally in the parking spot. I told her that she should move her car, so she did, with this being the result:

She was still in the driver's seat so I tried to get her to re-park again.

Me: Maybe you should try again, you're on the line.
Mom: I'm in the line!
Me: No you're not.
Mom: Yes I am.

Then she walked around and saw her parking job.

Mom: You are my constant critic!!!

Then she spent the rest of the walk to the restaurant pointing out everyone else's crappy parking job.

Sunday, August 19, 2012


My boyfriend and I were at my parents' house and we were telling them about his cat. My mom looks very, very serious and says, "I had a cat when I was young. She was very disorganized."

Friday, August 10, 2012

Threats are no Joke

A co-worker was really aggravating my dad and wouldn't leave his office. My dad said to him, "If you don't leave, I will put something heavy on your head!"

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

I Heard it on the Radio

Mom: I was thinking recently that maybe I was too protective and overbearing to you and your brother when you were younger. But then I heard a radio show that said if you don't ask about your kids and want to know where they are going and what you are doing, you're a bad mother. So I was just being a good mother!