Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Election Time

Another election year, another national travesty. I don't mean the possibility that Mitt Romney will win, I mean the way in which my family votes.

Last night my parents and I were looking through the propositions and discussing them. They mentioned that my grandparents will be voting too. I asked who they will be voting for, to which I received a vehement "Romney of course!" Why Romney? Well, Obama is trying to make the country socialist, which is what we escaped from in the USSR. I asked them if they felt like the country was socialist at this point, given that Obama has already been in office for 4 years. No, but it's a little closer. I asked if they felt that if Obama were given 4 more years, would our country be socialist, just like the USSR, at the end of his second term? No, but closer. And which socialist policies are you concerned about? Healthcare. I'm a healthy 26 year old woman, paying nearly $200 a month for individual health insurance. Do you think that's all right? No. How was healthcare in the USSR? It was good, it was free. Exactly.

Also, my dad was voting for people based on how Jewish their names sounded.

My brother isn't voting because "voting doesn't matter in California since the Electoral College just does whatever they want to anyway."